Monday, April 23, 2012

Great end to a very good day...

The Alberta provincial election ended on a positive note. We can breathe a sigh of relief, as we still have a sane government. Things will get done, and done well. Check back with me in 6 months and see if I am still happy, no guarantees but I am feeling very confidant.

Had a great treatment, and an excellent talk with my nurse/doctor that gives me the treatments. Although I keep having these fleeting suicidal ideations and even though they are brief they are still scary. I am hoping with the steady two treatments a week for a while we can get those to go away.

After the treatment I went and took a friend to vote, and to the hairdressers. In between we went for a very nice lunch. Then I headed home. I was exhausted thanks to the treatment, so my dog and I laid out on the balcony for a bit. It was such a beautiful day. It is so nice to be able to hang out on the balcony in the sun. Except for a run to Wal-Mart with my son, I basically didn't do anything else this evening. Although the treatments give me a lift in mood, they really tire me out. My brain feels like I have been working on complex math problems for 12 hours... (I have no idea what that means) J I am just mentally exhausted.

The nurse/doctor and my pdoc suggested I increase my melatonin, and the nurse/doctor also recommended adding Omega 3. I am hoping all that helps... We are still, as always, struggling with the sleep thing. One of the things I need to try, which I will have to start tomorrow, is taking the melatonin and a couple of my other medications earlier (like 9pm) and be in bed by or before 11. That seems so early, there is some much more day left... But then I am reminded there is a whole lot of day in the morning that I am missing out on. J I have to give it a try. All I really want is 8ish solid hours of sleep, I'll even take 7 or 6 or 5... Just some solid damn sleep. J

Looking forward to tomorrow - no plans, but hoping my mood will be elevated and perhaps I can take a walk in the park, do some writing or reading on the balcony, hopefully something fun/interesting/anything...

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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