Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Less is more...

Nothing really exciting to report today. I did some work this morning, nothing very interesting, but necessary.

Had a late supper, and then played Rockband with my son. I suck so bad at singing, but I suck even more at guitar, drums, and keyboard; so I stick with singing. It was nice to hang out with him though.

My mood has been everywhere today and last night... I felt pretty good all day. My son even said I seemed to be more upbeat then yesterday, but then this evening I felt a little of the darkness creep in. It's so subtle at first, and then all of a sudden I'm planning my death. It freaks me out. Last night was the worse. It was so bad at times, I was very concerned for my life, but then once again it goes away.

I am so thankful for getting another treatment tomorrow. I just keep holding out this hope that soon all of the darkness will be gone, but I realise deep down that I am just going to have to live with the reality of my illness. Bipolar is not curable, and my version of it is hard to manage. So long as we can control the suicidal stuff, to some degree, then I guess I will make do with the rest.

I am just a little tired of it, of every terrible part of it. I feel so bad for people around me, having to listen to me over and over again, the same old shit. Same for the people that are reading this blog, I can't imagine why anyone would read more than two posts and go enough with the whining. I would have the same problem with a therapist - at least I have in the past feeling bad rehashing shit. I just want so badly for it to be out of my head. I hope telling someone, anyone, will free me of it. But it doesn't, it just makes me feel bad for wasting their time. I guess that is the good thing about this blog. I can put it out there, and if someone wants to read it they can, and if they don't they don't have to and they don't have to worry about hurting my feelings.

It's funny how I start writing my posts thinking I have nothing I want to say, and then I start to writing and I seem to find that I do...

Talk to y'all tomorrow...

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