Monday, April 16, 2012

Just another Manic Monday.... Manic I wish!

So a very busy day, out from 10am to 6:30pm - helping a good friend, who is a big help to me too... She is an amazing person. She has to be one of the smartest people I have ever met, and one of the strongest. I look forward to learning as much as I can from her, and her experiences.

Yeah, basically that was my day.

My mood is for shit. Steady decline since yesterday afternoon. Looking forward to my rTMS treatment tomorrow - awesome!!! Then off to check in on my mom - since my sister took her to the doctor(s) today (it sounds like a full day of waiting). But got mom squared away with medication and some supper, so I will pop over there after my treatment and get her some lunch. Then take my car in for an exciting oil change. Then I really, really need to get some groceries. I prefer to make my son come with me when I grocery shop, but perhaps tomorrow I will let him of the proverbial hook, maybe... I do hate grocery shopping - a big part of it is I suck at meal planning, making grocery shopping very difficult. I just end up buying junk -things that are quick and easy, and that I know the kid will eat. I wouldn't mind learning to meal plan, and learning to grocery shop better, and learning to cook...  Hmmm - perhaps that is something to look into???????

Another friend I spoke with today mentioned The Alexandra Writers’ Centre Society - I have never heard of them before, although they have been around since 1981. They have lots of writing courses (mostly for a not too small fee), but for a small ($60) annual membership fee you also get: A reduced rate on class fees and manuscript critique services, Complimentary admittance to discussion and critique groups, A subscription to Free Fall Magazine, Complete access to the books, magazine and reference materials in the AWCS Library - something I may look into... Their courses cost anywhere from $190 for an 8 week class, to $95 for a one day class. I think it would be fun to take a writing class, and an abstract art class would be fun too (who knows of any cheap art classes????)...

I have been instructed, I mean it was suggested by my son that as a writing exercise I should write down everything and anything that comes into my mind - small, medium - dark, light - good, bad... Everything! I am enthralled by his idea, but also frightened. It sounds like a lot of work, and a lot of paper.  I am going to seriously consider it.  I will let you know tomorrow if I take on the challenge...

Say what? Enough Danius for the night y'all...

Talk to y'all tomorrow...


  1. You should be able to access some Art classes through the cities Parks & Recreation.

    1. You are right they have millions - not cheap though. Now I need to see if they have writing classes too. I was going to make SA come with me, so she will need to save up her pennies...

    2. They actually have "Abstract Art for Adults", but it starts in two days and it's at 9:30 in the morning what??? crazy...
