Saturday, April 14, 2012

Just another lazy Saturday...

Well I wasted a whole day. Four of my 5 short films are typed out and printed. I did some editing on the four, but I think they all need another 3 or 4 pages each to get the 10 minute film length. Maybe? I really need a Script Supervisor to time them, to see for sure. On one of them I was able to add a little more, but definitely not 3 or 4 pages. It sucks, I read them and think maybe I could add this or that, but then it seems to ruin the story I am trying to tell – just another demonstration of my inexperience.

Meanwhile, The Rock (our dog) and I have been holding down the couch. If lying on the couch watching TV was an Olympic sport I would have won the gold today. But alas it’s just a lazy waste of time. I am bored, tired, frustrated, and pathetically lazy...

Tomorrow is another day (no shit Sherlock), but I should have a plan. Perhaps with a plan, my day won’t feel wasted. Perhaps laundry? Laundry can be one of the things I do tomorrow. What else? I could type in all of the edits I made to my four scripts. I could print off, and edit the fifth short script. Then I can see if I can convince my son to read them, and give me his (not too) honest opinion – Maybe..? I wouldn’t mind coming up with another ‘funny’ short, as only one of the five shorts are funny.

Mood wise – just blah, but not sad and no suicide stuff, so that is good. Just chilling – why couldn’t I just enjoy the moment... Some quiet time to reflect on life’s big decisions – blah who am I kidding I have way too much reflection time. DO MORE DAN, DO MORE...

Enough Danius™ (get it Dan + Genius) – oh it’s my word people don’t hate... J

Talk to y’all tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Give Josh a call to proof them for you. He is an awesome writer and can give positive critical comments. When he was part of the mentoring program with the federal government he wrote a speech and gave it at the crystal ballroom (Palliser Hotel). He had nothing but positive feed back.
